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"Many people would rather die than think; in fact, most do." - Bertrand Russell

IMPORTANT: If you're here because it hurts that schoolwork is taking up all your free time, leaving you with no energy for anything meaningful to you, this is for you. If you're here because it hurts to think, then please go and do your homework - you deserve every last hour of it.

Cheating on Homework & Essays

Page Description: How to use only the internet as a resource for doing projects/essays. Even a way to make a bibliography without going near a real book.

Doing any of these things is likely to offend the teacher if they found out about it. They'll probably take it as a personal insult to them, and tell you that you're only "cheating yourself" out of... well, something. If you don't know what you're doing, you will make an ass out of yourself and give all kids a bad name.

Essay Search Engine
Find Essays that other people have already written on whatever subject you have to write about. Saves a lot of time on research.

Tips for essays and projects

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  2. Fixing mistakes / EDITING essays
  3. Instant Bibliography
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If you're not willing to change words around or edit an essay in any way, you will probably get caught. Use a thesaurus, like Wordweb!

Also, Wikipedia is always your friend, and can be useful too.


If you haven't even read the book yet, search Google for summaries of it. Once you've read it (or a summary), search for essays on whatever topic you were given.

Type the book's name in here:

Other subjects

How to Cheat on Biology Homework

Your best bet is to simply type the topic into the Essay Search Engine and see what comes up:

Instant Bibliography

If you're supposed to have a bibliography and you're not allowed to just use the internet for your research, search bookshop sites for book titles on the topic you were given. (If you're required to list page numbers with it, too bad, just leave it out. You'll probably only lose a few marks). - has a search feature
Barnes & Noble - has a search feature too

Spelling and grammar mistakes / EDITING essays

If you're not so good with spelling and language, you can use word processing software to fix it. There are some really good ones out there, some cost money, some don't.

CWordPad (freeware) - similar to WordPad, has spellchecker and thesaurus (good for changing words in an essay to make it look like your own).
WinProof (freeware) - grammar checker, can check all sorts of grammar mistakes like subject/verb agreement problems, missing articles, commonly confused words, double negatives, and passive voice. I don't know what those are either ;-)
Micro$oft Office - Just about all the programs in here have spellchecking included. Seems to be on a lot of computers these days.
Wordweb (freeware) - Dictionary/thesaurus. Type a word or part of a word and it tells you how to spell it, what it means, and other words like it. Contains every imaginable swearword too ;)
Email program - Most email programs nowadays include a spellchecker. Microsoft Outlook Express comes with Windows itself.

Add to this page

If you have any tips you would like to add, contact me.

If you want to know the true sinister purpose of public schools, go here and here.

If you want to know how you can legally get out of school forever, go here, here and here.

If you have school phobia (fear of school), go here and here.

TEACHERS: If you're a teacher who has come here to find out how to catch cheaters, Hi! May I suggest that, just for a minute, you consider to find out why they cheat, rather than how. It may help to broaden your understanding of the matter.

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